My Mom says: "I sure like my Reiki sessions. I don't understand how it works but it sure feels good"
-In a conversation with my Mom after one of her sessions. "My elderly bouvier des flandres is very stoic when it comes to ailments and often I don't know something is wrong until it is almost too late. This time he had a massive tumor on his stub of a tail and we only found out about it when it burst open. It did not look good, The vet felt we would best amputate several vertebra up the base of the back. I told Suzanne and she offered to try and help Payton. It was amazing. After the treatment and the use of an essential oil blend, the return to the vet showed an amazing improvement. The tumor was gone and the hair was growing back. We continued Suzanne's treatment for several more weeks and now you can't tell where the tumor was located. On one of our visits Payton actually kissed her and he is not a kissing kind of dog.!"
-Letter from Gina Noble and Payton "Suzanne has the most intense, sincere interest in the well being of others. I have not been to any function or gathering where she has not pulled out her oils, or used her magic Reiki skills on someone. Her workshops are awesome, if you get a chance to attend or have a workshop with her, you will be very glad that you attended. I not only use her Bug-Away spray on myself, but also on my dogs. Suzanne has a gift of healing that I am sure come's from the divine."
-Rose Elliot "I like how the lotion feels when you put it on. It's not greasy or oily it just blends in and feels good"
-Thomas McMurray “I bought some product from Suzanne about a week and a half ago. I bought the handy pack and the Aroma Pets Lavender Lullaby and Mellow Out. I cannot begin to describe the amazing outcome of these products. I have a very fearful and anxious AmStaff and while at the LBBR craft fair, I applied the Mellow Out to her back paws and ear tips. Within 15 minutes I could already see a significant change in Storm's demeanor, she was opening up to other people around her and not showing many signs of fear or anxiety!
I use the Lavender Lullaby at home every night and I don't have to worry about he dogs waking up in the middle of the night wanting to play or go outside. The calming effects of the lavender allow them to sleep throughout the night! The handy pack (products mixed for human use) that I purchased contained Bug Away, Lavender Love, Anti Itch, Handi-Clean and Cool Breeze. I have used each of these products with absolute satisfaction. I use the bug away as I would normally use an insect repellent. It works phenomenally. The Handi-Clean is a hand sanitizer that doesn't use alcohol so there's no worry of drying out your skin, the Anti Itch works wonderfully for bug bites or small skin irritations (I read on the bottle that it is also an anti-fungal, and I have been using it for my athletes foot) I am most impressed with this product! I have used the lavender love on the bottom of my feet on nights that I had a difficult time falling asleep and I was usually out within about 20 minutes. I could just feel the relaxation that the oils invoke. The Cool Breeze has not yet been used but I know that will come in handy as well on days that I may get overheated. The peppermint oils hp cool your skin and they smell great! I will update on the Cool Breeze when I have the opportunity to use it! Healing Arts definitely has a customer for life!!“ -Facebook Post from Matthew Fraleigh, June 2015 |