Basil Ocimum basilicum var. crispum (Egypt) Properties: hepatic, nerve tonic, stimulant, digestive system tonic, decongestant, anti-spasmodic, antiviral, diuretic, uplifting, energizing, refreshing. Historical uses: valuable for nervous and digestive conditions, mental fatigue, nervous insomnia, jaundice. Safety: Safe provided the methyl chavicol content is low. Large amounts can overstimulate. Unsuitable for pregnancy. May cause skin irritation.
Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis (Croatia) The Bay Laurel is an evergreen tree up to 65 feet high with dark green, glossy leaves and black berries; it is often cultivated as an ornamental shrub. Properties: antirheumatic, antiseptic, bactericide, digestive tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, fungicide, sedative. Historical uses:
dyspepsia, flatulence, loss of appetite, scanty periods, colds, flu, tonsillitis, viral infections. Contraindications: relatively non-toxic but can cause dermatitis in people with sensitive skin. Should be used in moderation due to slightly narcotic properties. Avoid during pregnancy.
Bergamot Citrus aurantium var. bergamia (Italy) Bergamot is a hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. Tests in psychiatric hospitals show that bergamot acts on the hypothalamus. Properties: antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, digestive stimulant, relaxant, sedative, uplifting, balances body systems. Historical uses: acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, varicose veins, ulcers, wounds, halitosis, mouth infections, sore throat, tonsillitis. Safety: unless bergaptene has been removed, can irritate the skin when exposed to direct sunlight.
Black Cumin Nigella sativa (Egypt) Immune building properties stem from the plants ability to stabilize and strengthen the body’s immune system. Calling black cumin a magical oil is an exaggeration, but it is almost impossible to exaggerate its effectiveness in assisting with asthma, allergies, acne, and many other ailments. Called “blessed seed” and “love in a mist”, this herb has been held in high regard in the Middle East for more than three thousand years. Soothing to the skin. Organic.
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Madagascar Properties: analgesic, digestive tonic, circulatory stimulant, warming, aphrodisiac, stimulates kidneys, decongestant, expectorant. Historical uses: relieves muscle and skeletal pain, arthritis, stimulates circulation, stimulates digestive system, colic, indigestion, food poisoning, loss of appetite, respiratory ailments, toothache (blend with Clove Bud essential oil). Safety: overuse can overstimulate kidneys; skin irritant, do not use undiluted; unsuitable for babies, children, and pregnancy.
Cajeput Melaleuca cajuputi (Vietnam) Sometimes spelled Cajuput. The oil is very medicinal, penetrating and camphorous. Properties: antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, parasiticide, bactericide, warming, stimulant, hepatic, analgesic. Historical uses: Aids imbalances related to the upper and lower respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, earache, sore throat, laryngitis, sinusitis, toothache, blocked nasal passages, throat infections). Treatment for viral illnesses (herpes, chickenpox, measles, encephalomyelitis, meningitis). Safety: do not take internally. Skin irritant. Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. Not recommended for children. May be used in a diffusor to disinfect the room air of children suffering with viral illnesses. Organic.
Cardamom Elettarria cardamomum (Guatemala) Properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, stimulant, nerve tonic. Historical uses: anorexia, colic, cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence, halitosis, heartburn, indigestion, vomiting, mental fatigue, nervous strain Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating.
Carrot Seed Daucus carota var. sativa (Hungary) Carrot is a highly nutritious plant, containing substantial amounts of Vitamins A, C, B1 and B2. Properties: cell regenerator, stimulant, detoxifier, antioxidant, protects the body from cancer and other diseases, including infections. Historical uses: detoxification, arthritis, edema, rheumatism, anemia, anorexia, colic, indigestion, liver congestion, skin cancer, skin ulcers, scars, damaged skin, neglected and hard skin, abscesses, boils, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, wrinkles, prematurely aged skin, dry and cracked skin, eye disorders, night blindness. Safety: do not use in large amounts. Can irritate skin. Not for use during pregnancy.
Cedarwood Atlas (Canada) Properties: antiseptic for the pulmonary and genito-urinary systems, astringent, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative for the nervous system, insecticide. Historical uses: acne, dandruff, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellant, oily skin, psoriasis, arthritis, rheumatism, bronchitis, catarrh, congestion, coughing, sinusitis, cystitis, leucorrhea, nervousness, stress. Contraindications: non-toxic, can cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin, avoid during pregnancy.
Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Sri Lanka) French doctors prescribe Cinnamon Bark essential oil as a potent remedy to fight infections. It is taken internally in small amounts. Properties: support for the circulatory system, digestive system, skin and immune system. Strongly antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, parasiticide, respiratory tonic, circulation stimulant. Historical uses: lice, tooth and gum care, warts, diarrhea, intestinal infection, sluggish digestion, childbirth (stimulates contractions), chills, flu, infectious diseases Safety: avoid if pregnant. Do not use undiluted on the skin.
Citronella Cymbopogon nardus (Sri Lanka) Properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericide, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, digestive tonic, vermifuge. Historical uses: Insect repellant, colds, flu, minor infections, fatigue, headaches, migraines Safety: may cause dermatitis (skin inflammation) in some individuals. Avoid during pregnancy.
Clary Sage Salvia sclarea (Russia) Properties: antidepressant, nerve tonic, sedative, relaxing, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, warming, soothing, stimulating, cell regenerating, hormone-like, galactagogic, antiseptic. Historical uses: depression, stress, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, tension, insomnia, frigidity, impotence Safety: avoid during pregnancy. Do not drink alcohol after using Clary Sage as it may cause drowsiness and induce vivid dreams.
Clove Bud Eugenia caryophyllata (Madagascar) An essential oil with strong antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties and a traditional toothache remedy. Properties: antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, antifungal, analgesic, hepatic, digestive stimulant, carminative, nerve tonic, immunostimulant, warming, insect repellant. Historical uses: bruising, muscle aches and pain, arthritis, rheumatism, intestinal parasites, worms, scabies, lice, toothache, mental fatigue Safety: avoid during pregnancy. May cause skin irritation if used undiluted. Raises blood pressure.
Cypress Eugenia caryophyllata (Madagascar) Properties: stimulating, astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, decongestant, nerve tonic, vasoconstrictor, refreshing, uplifting, relaxing. Cypress has the ability to get stagnant matter moving in the body, thereby supporting the circulatory, urinary, digestive systems as well as the skin. Historical uses: cellulite, fluid retention, thread veins, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, obesity, constipation, edema, excessive sweating Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Dill Anethum gravelolens (India) An annual or biennial herb with a smooth stem, feathery leaves and umbels of yellowish flowers followed by flat, small seeds. Mentioned in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a soothing digestive aid, especially in children.
Elemi Canarium luzonicum (Philippines) Properties: skin tonic, promotes the formation of scar tissue, antiseptic, expectorant, stimulant. Historical uses: aging skin, wrinkles, infected cuts and wounds, inflammations, bronchitis, coughs, nervous exhaustion and stress Safety: non-toxic, generally regarded as safe.
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus (China) In Australia, the aboriginal peoples used Eucalyptus leaves to bind wounds, aid healing, and prevent infection. Properties: antibiotic, bactericide, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, analgesic, decongestant, warming. Valuable for conditions affecting the respiratory system, and as a mild analgesic to relieve muscular and skeletal pain. Historical uses: bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds, flu, laryngitis, sinusitis, catarrh, sore throat, fevers, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, aches and pains Safety: in some people, may irritate the skin. Not for internal use.
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare (Spain) Properties: galactagogic, digestive, hormone-like, carminative, hepatic, detoxifies, emmenagogue, expectorant, nerve tonic, bactericide, antispasmodic Historical uses: indigestion, nausea, constipation, lack of appetite, menstruation difficulties, PMS Safety: avoid during pregnancy, not suitable for pre-pubescent children, contraindicated for epilepsy.
Fir Needle Abies siberica (Russia) Siberian pine needle oil is actually from the Siberian fir, a coniferous tree highly esteemed in Europe because of its medicinal properties and fine fragrance. Properties: pulmonary antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive, deodorant, stimulant. Historical uses: arthritis, muscle aches and pains, rheumatism, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, colds, fever, flu.. Safety: non-toxic and non-irritating except in high concentrations.
Frankincense Boswellia carteri (Somalia) One of the three gifts to the infant Jesus by the Magi. Properties: most beneficial for the respiratory system and the skin, rejuvenating, toning, promotes formation of scar tissue, antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory. Historical uses: skin conditions, such as wrinkles, stretch marks, cuts, wounds, eczema, boils, pimples, scars; respiratory infections, coughs, colds, fevers, laryngitis. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Geranium Pelargonium odorantissimum (Egypt) Properties: assists the reproductive system, lymphatic system, and skin. Antidepressant, emmenagogue, regenerative, balancing, antiseptic, hormone-like, anti-inflammatory, lymph-gland stimulant, promotes formation of scar tissue. Historical uses: poor circulation, lymph gland congestion, cellulite, menopause, menstrual problems, depression, skin care, acne, stretch marks, sunburn, eczema, herpes, scars. Safety: emmenagogue, avoid during pregnancy.
Ginger Root Zingiber officinale (China) Ginger is an important ingredient in Chinese medicine, where the body is unable to deal with moisture (either internal or external). Properties: anticatarrhal, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, digestive stimulant, nerve tonic, anti-emetic (anti-laxative and anti-purgative) and sialogogic (stimulates secretion of saliva). Historical uses: poor circulations, chilblains, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, travel sickness, morning sickness, edema, bronchitis, flu, sore throat, colds, catarrh, toothache. Safety: Do not use Ginger essential oil neat on the skin; dilute with a carrier oil and use sparingly. Although the essential oil is good for morning sickness, it may be too stimulating in pregnancy due to it being an emmenagogue. For this reason, try using Ginger essential oil in a diffusor instead; or drink Ginger tea.
Grapefruit Pink Citrus paradisi (USA pressed peel) Properties: antiviral, bactericide, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic. Historical uses: cellulite, detoxification, fluid retention, edema, oily skin, enlarged pores, depression, nervous exhaustion, migraine. Safety: Unlike other citrus oils, Grapefruit is not phototoxic.
Helichrysum Helichrysum angustifolium (Madagascar). Properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitussive, antiseptic, astringent, promotes formation of scar tissue, fungicidal, hepatic, cholagogue, diuretic. Historical uses: bruises, abscesses, acne, allergic conditions, boils, muscle aches and pain, liver and spleen congestion, coughing, nervous exhaustion, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Organic.
Hyssop Hyssophus officinalis (Hungary) Historically used for anxiety, to balance, to clear concentration, to assist with grief and stress. Do not use with high blood pressure and avoid during pregnancy.
Juniper Berries Juniperus communis (Macedonia) Juniper was used in the 19th century in French hospitals as an airborne disinfectant to combat smallpox by burning it along with Rosemary and Thyme. Properties: antiseptic, cleansing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, stimulant, expectorant Historical uses: urinary problems, cystitis, fluid retention, painful or scanty periods, acne, eczema, bronchitis, colds, coughs, arthritis. Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Lavender, Organic (Bulgaria) Lavandula angustifolia Official or true Lavender. A versatile, highly-balancing essential oil useful in skin care, in treatments for stress or nervous conditions, for digestive ailments, and as a support for the respiratory system. Properties: sedative, refreshing, rejuvenating, tonic, bactericide, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, relieves itching. Historical uses: skin disorders, insect bites, earache, colic, nausea, headache, abdominal cramps, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, may be applied neat (directly to the skin without dilution). Organic.
Lemon Citrus limonum (USA) Lemon essential oil has many therapeutic properties; Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. The d-limonene in Lemon has been known to dissolve gallstones. Properties: bactericide, antiseptic, antiviral, diuretic, stimulates white corpuscles, relieves itching, hepatic, digestive tonic, refreshing, stimulating. Historical uses: asthma, ear, nose and throat infections, bronchitis, colds, flu, fever, poor circulation, obesity, boils, herpes, wrinkles. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying Lemon to the skin; could cause skin irritation. Organic.
Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus (Guatemala) Properties: anti-inflammatory, skin toner, astringent, diuretic, bactericide, antiseptic. Historical uses: water retention, headaches, oily hair and skin, acne, stretch marks, insect and pest repellant Safety: skin irritant, do not use undiluted on the skin.
Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Italy, distilled) Properties: antirheumatic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, febrifuge, tonic. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: generally-regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating (the pressed-peel variety of Lime essential oil can irritate the skin if exposed to direct sunlight). Organic. $21.00
Mandarin Citrus reticulata (Italy) Mandarin essential oil is valuable for pregnant women, babies, and children. It is even more effective when used in combination with other citrus oils. Highly recommended for winter-time use. Properties: relaxing, antiseptic, antidepressant, uplifting, detoxifies skin, congested pores, oily skin, and helps alleviate fluid retention. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying to the skin.
Marjoram Origanum marjorana (France) and Thymus mastichina (Spain). A traditional folk remedy that is soothing, warming, and fortifying. Combined with Clary Sage essential oil, it is most useful for women over 40 years of age who have trauma and need sedation. Properties: antispasmodic, sedative, nerve tonic, has a deadening effect on the emotions, fortifying. Historical uses: high blood pressure, anxiety, debility, depression, headache and migraines, insomnia, aging skin, bronchitis, colds. Safety: Avoid during pregnancy. Not suitable for babies and young children. Do not use with low blood pressure. Reduces sexual drive.
Myrtle Flower Myrtus communis (Morocco) A mild essential oil, very suitable for use with children’s coughs and respiratory complaints. Properties: anticatarrhal, antiseptic, astringent, bactericide, expectorant, slightly sedative. Historical uses: acne, hemorrhoids, oily skin, open pores, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughing Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating, non-toxic.
Myrrh Commiphora myrrha (Somalia) Myrrh essential oil is made from a gummy, sticky golden resin that oozes from a tree usually found in North Africa. One of the three gifts given to baby Jesus by the Magi. Properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, parasiticide, bactericide, cell rejuvenator, antifungal, excellent for fungal conditions affecting the skin and imbalances of the respiratory system. Historical uses: phlebitis, candida albicans, thrush, skin inflammation, eczema, stretch marks, coughs, colds, bronchitis, flu, laryngitis Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Niaouli Organic Melaleuca quinquinervia (Madagascar) Niaouli is often confused with Cajeput because the two plants are closely related. Niaouli may be substituted for Cajeput and is the remedy of choice for bacterial and viral infections affecting the respiratory system. Does not irritate the skin. Properties: anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, expectorant, decongestant, immune stimulant, parasiticide, antiseptic, cell regenerating for damaged skin due to burns, wounds, cuts, and sores. Historical uses: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, flu, respiratory infections, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throat, abscesses, boils, cuts, wounds, herpes, insect bites, acne, burns. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. Niaouli is often subject to adulteration. Organic.
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans (Indonesia) Nutmeg is a domestic spice used for centuries as a remedy for digestive and kidney problems. Properties: analgesic, carminative, calmative, deodorant, emmenagogue, parasiticide, sedative, nerve tonic. Historical uses: debility, anxiety, stress, muscle pain, sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, labor pain. Safety: not for use with the aged, pregnant women, babies, or children. High doses can lead to mental and nervous imbalances, overdosing can be fatal.
Orange Citrus sinensis (U.S.A Pressed Peel) In Chinese medicine, the dried peel of the sweet orange is used to treat coughs, colds, anorexia and malignant breast sores. Properties: balancing, calmative, relaxing anti-spasmodic, sedative, antiseptic. Historical uses: sluggish digestion, mouth ulcers, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, tension, depression. Safety: Do not go out into direct sunlight after applying Orange essential oil on your skin. Organic.
Oregano Origanum vulgare (Bulgaria). Oregano has antiviral and antibacterial properties to assist the immune system, and is aromatherapy’s “heavy artillery” against respiratory infections. Properties: antispasmodic, sedative, expectorant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antirheumatic, analgesic, warming. Historical uses: all respiratory infections, including viral and bacterial pneumonia, colds, flu, bronchitis; muscle relaxant, cramps, spasms. Safety: Avoid during pregnancy, do not use undiluted, can irritate the skin.
Palmarosa Cymbopogon martinii (Comoros) A scented grass from the same family as lemon grass and citronella. Properties: cell regenerator, cellular stimulant, skin toner, antiseptic, refreshing, insect repellant. Historical uses: cellulite, varicose veins, sluggish circulation, acne, wrinkles, dry skin. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. $21.00
Patchouli Pogostemon cablin (Indonesia) Properties: antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, tissue regeneration, immune stimulant, tonic, relaxing, anti-depressant, sedative, febrifuge. Historical uses: Stress-related headaches and nervous tension, acne, cracked skin, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and ring worm. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Peppermint Mentha piperita (USA). Peppermint is excellent for digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, it may also be used as a local anesthetic in the treatment of wounds. Properties: digestive tonic, digestive stimulant, invigorating, cooling, calming, assists in calming digestive problems, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative, cholagogue, hepatic, hormone-like, mucolytic (dissolves mucous). Historical uses: first aid for nausea, travel sickness, migraine, palpitations, fainting, colic, colds, flu, fevers, fatigue and digestive-related problems. Safety: not suitable for pregnant women, babies, or young children. A possible antidote to homeopathic remedies. Do not use undiluted on the skin, skin irritant. Keep out of reach of children. Organic.
Petigrain Bigarade Citrus aurantium var. amara (Paraguay) Distilled from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, the same tree that yields the orange blossoms from which Neroli essential oil is distilled. Like other citrus oils, Petigrain is beneficial in the treatment of skin, nervous and respiratory system imbalances. Properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericide, balancing, hepatic, digestive stimulant, uplifting. Historical uses: infections, bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, fatigue, tension, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, stress, oily skin Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating, not photo-toxic. Organic.
Ravensara Organic Ravensara aromatica (Madagascar) Ravensara is called “the oil that heals.” It has a campherous odor, much like Wild Rosemary or Eucalyptus. Ravensara is a broad-spectrum essential oil with energizing immune stimulating properties. It is particularly beneficial as an essential oil to be inhaled. It has been used effectively against colds and flu, canker and cold sores, and is also an excellent treatment for athlete’s foot. Ravensara can be applied directly to the skin or diluted in massage, compresses, baths, skin preparations, or as an inhalant. Organic. $24.00
Rosemary,wild Rosmarinus officinalis (Tunisia) Wild Rosemary is a smooth muscle relaxant that can help overcome temporary paralysis and speech problems. It is an excellent aid for the nervous, circulatory, and digestive systems and is also useful for hair treatments. Properties: antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, anti-catarrhal, antispasmodic, bactericide, expectorant, hepatic, mucolytic, invigorating, stimulant. Historical uses: cellulitis, fluid retention, varicose veins, high cholesterol, muscle pains, sluggish liver, headaches, mental fatigue, loss of concentration, migraines, neuralgia, sciatica, hair loss, dandruff, hair and scalp disorders, alopecia. Safety: not suitable for pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, epileptics. Wild Grown.
Rosewood Aniba rosaeodora (Brazil) Properties: mildly analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericide, cell-growth stimulant, immune-system stimulant, tissue regenerator, tonic. Historical uses: acne, dermatitis, scars, wounds, wrinkles, general skin care, colds, coughs, fever, infections, frigidity, headaches, nausea, nervous tension, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating. Organic.
Sage Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spain) Regarded as something of a cure-all, Sage is believed to promote longevity and protect against all types of infection. Properties: antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, anti-catarrhal, balancing, decongestant, increases flow of bile, hormone balancer, soothing, nerve tonic. Historical uses: catarrh, bronchitis, excessive mucus, flu, laryngitis, throat and mouth infections, bacterial and viral infections. Safety: not for epileptics as this oil may cause convulsions. Avoid during pregnancy. Not for women, babies, and teenagers. Use in moderation, do not overdose.
Savory Satureia montana (Croatia) Savory has superior antimicrobial properties, and is used by doctors in France to treat infections. Properties: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, air antiseptic, expectorant, helps wounds heal. Historical uses: bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, wound healing. Safety: irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, avoid during pregnancy.
Spearmint Mentha spicata (North America) - Properties: cooling, energizing, balancing. Historically used as an antiseptic, ant repellent, colic, deodorant, diarrhea, indigestion, morning sickness. May irritate mucous membranes
Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi (Nepal) According to the Bible (John 12:3) Mary used Spikenard to anoint the feet of Jesus before the Last Supper. Properties: anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, bactericide, deodorant, antifungal, laxative, sedative, tonic. Historical uses: allergies, inflammation, rashes, insomnia, migraine, stress and tension. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. Organic.
Spruce Picea alba (Canada) This essential oil is distilled from young branches and leaves, and has a pleasant pine needle aroma. Properties: antispasmodic, cortisone-like, hormone-like, bactericide, immune system tonic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, air antiseptic. Historical uses: cold hands and feet, varicose veins, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, athlete’s foot, candida albicans, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu, infections, sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, catarrh. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Tangerine Citrus reticulata (USA Pressed peel) Tangerine essential oil is valuable for pregnant women, babies, and children. It is even more effective when used in combination with other citrus oils. Highly recommended for winter-time use. Properties: relaxing, antiseptic, antidepressant, uplifting, detoxifies skin, congested pores, oily skin, and helps alleviate fluid retention. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying to the skin.
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus (France). Tarragon is commonly used in cooking. The essential oil is extracted from the herb’s leaves through steam distillation. Properties: anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, vermifuge. Historical uses: anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, hiccoughs, intestinal spasm, nervous indigestion, amenorrhea, PMS. Safety: avoid during pregnancy, use in moderation.
Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia (Australia) Early European settlers in Australia learned about Tea Tree from aboriginal natives. During colonial times, Tea Tree was considered a “bush remedy”for all types of infection. Tea Tree essential oil is widely used today for its bactericidal, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Historical uses: athlete’s foot, acne, blisters, burns, herpes, rashes, warts, infected wounds, respiratory problems, thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, fungal infections, ringworm, candida albicans, relieves AIDS symptoms. Safety: generally regarded as safe. Organic.
Tumeric (Curcuma longa) Genuine, authentic, medicinal turmeric essential oil. Use as needed for aches and pains and general feelings of well being. Has been known to bring balance to the immune system and relieve tight tissues.
Thyme Serpolet Thymus serpyllum (Spain) Due to its antiseptic properties, Thyme is valuable against infections in all body systems, especially the respiratory system. It aids the nervous system in coping with stress, and is also useful in the treatment of hair and scalp disorders. Properties: antiseptic, bactericide, antiviral, immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, warming, balancing, stimulates sluggish circulation. Historical uses: sluggish circulation, sluggish digestion, diabetes, worms, gastro-enteritis, urinary tract infections, cystitis, vaginitis, impotence, nervous exhaustion, stress, bronchitis, colds, flu, throat infections, sinusitis, mouth and gum infections, hair loss, psoriasis on the scalp. Safety: do not use undiluted on the skin. Unsuitable for use by people with high blood pressure, women who are pregnant, babies and children, or people with sensitive skin . Use with care, High dilution ratio needed.
Vetiver Bourbon Vetivera zizanioides (Madagascar) Vetiver is commonly used as an insect repellant; however, it is an effective tonic for the nervous and muscular systems and helps relieve stress and tension. Vetiver is suitable for use by the elderly. Properties: insect repellent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hepatic, calms digestive disturbances. Historical uses: muscular pain, muscle spasms, aging muscles, diabetes, sluggish liver, colic, anxiety, exhaustion, nervous tension, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritant. Organic.
Ylang Ylang Extrae Cananga odorata genuina (Madagascar) Organic Ylang-ylang or “flower of flowers” has a distinctive fragrance acceptable to both males and females. Distillation is a long, slow process requiring 24 hours. The oil is collected in fractions, with the first fraction (Ylang Ylang Extra) being the sweetest. Ylang Ylang Complete contains equal portions from the first, second, and third distillations and therefore is not quite as sweet-smelling as Ylang Ylang Extra. Properties: antispasmodic, balancing, nervous system tonic, aphrodisiac, sedative, immune stimulant, antidepressant, treatment for anxiety, stress relief. Historical uses: hypertension, palpitations, rapid breathing and heart beat, anxiety, depression, insomnia, tension, anger, post-partum depression, shock, fear. Safety: overuse can cause headaches and nausea. Organic.
Bay Laurel Laurus nobilis (Croatia) The Bay Laurel is an evergreen tree up to 65 feet high with dark green, glossy leaves and black berries; it is often cultivated as an ornamental shrub. Properties: antirheumatic, antiseptic, bactericide, digestive tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, fungicide, sedative. Historical uses:
dyspepsia, flatulence, loss of appetite, scanty periods, colds, flu, tonsillitis, viral infections. Contraindications: relatively non-toxic but can cause dermatitis in people with sensitive skin. Should be used in moderation due to slightly narcotic properties. Avoid during pregnancy.
Bergamot Citrus aurantium var. bergamia (Italy) Bergamot is a hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. Tests in psychiatric hospitals show that bergamot acts on the hypothalamus. Properties: antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, digestive stimulant, relaxant, sedative, uplifting, balances body systems. Historical uses: acne, boils, cold sores, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, varicose veins, ulcers, wounds, halitosis, mouth infections, sore throat, tonsillitis. Safety: unless bergaptene has been removed, can irritate the skin when exposed to direct sunlight.
Black Cumin Nigella sativa (Egypt) Immune building properties stem from the plants ability to stabilize and strengthen the body’s immune system. Calling black cumin a magical oil is an exaggeration, but it is almost impossible to exaggerate its effectiveness in assisting with asthma, allergies, acne, and many other ailments. Called “blessed seed” and “love in a mist”, this herb has been held in high regard in the Middle East for more than three thousand years. Soothing to the skin. Organic.
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) Madagascar Properties: analgesic, digestive tonic, circulatory stimulant, warming, aphrodisiac, stimulates kidneys, decongestant, expectorant. Historical uses: relieves muscle and skeletal pain, arthritis, stimulates circulation, stimulates digestive system, colic, indigestion, food poisoning, loss of appetite, respiratory ailments, toothache (blend with Clove Bud essential oil). Safety: overuse can overstimulate kidneys; skin irritant, do not use undiluted; unsuitable for babies, children, and pregnancy.
Cajeput Melaleuca cajuputi (Vietnam) Sometimes spelled Cajuput. The oil is very medicinal, penetrating and camphorous. Properties: antiviral, antiseptic, antifungal, parasiticide, bactericide, warming, stimulant, hepatic, analgesic. Historical uses: Aids imbalances related to the upper and lower respiratory system (asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, earache, sore throat, laryngitis, sinusitis, toothache, blocked nasal passages, throat infections). Treatment for viral illnesses (herpes, chickenpox, measles, encephalomyelitis, meningitis). Safety: do not take internally. Skin irritant. Do not use during pregnancy or lactation. Not recommended for children. May be used in a diffusor to disinfect the room air of children suffering with viral illnesses. Organic.
Cardamom Elettarria cardamomum (Guatemala) Properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, diuretic, stimulant, nerve tonic. Historical uses: anorexia, colic, cramps, dyspepsia, flatulence, halitosis, heartburn, indigestion, vomiting, mental fatigue, nervous strain Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating.
Carrot Seed Daucus carota var. sativa (Hungary) Carrot is a highly nutritious plant, containing substantial amounts of Vitamins A, C, B1 and B2. Properties: cell regenerator, stimulant, detoxifier, antioxidant, protects the body from cancer and other diseases, including infections. Historical uses: detoxification, arthritis, edema, rheumatism, anemia, anorexia, colic, indigestion, liver congestion, skin cancer, skin ulcers, scars, damaged skin, neglected and hard skin, abscesses, boils, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, wrinkles, prematurely aged skin, dry and cracked skin, eye disorders, night blindness. Safety: do not use in large amounts. Can irritate skin. Not for use during pregnancy.
Cedarwood Atlas (Canada) Properties: antiseptic for the pulmonary and genito-urinary systems, astringent, antispasmodic, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative for the nervous system, insecticide. Historical uses: acne, dandruff, eczema, greasy hair, insect repellant, oily skin, psoriasis, arthritis, rheumatism, bronchitis, catarrh, congestion, coughing, sinusitis, cystitis, leucorrhea, nervousness, stress. Contraindications: non-toxic, can cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin, avoid during pregnancy.
Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Sri Lanka) French doctors prescribe Cinnamon Bark essential oil as a potent remedy to fight infections. It is taken internally in small amounts. Properties: support for the circulatory system, digestive system, skin and immune system. Strongly antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, parasiticide, respiratory tonic, circulation stimulant. Historical uses: lice, tooth and gum care, warts, diarrhea, intestinal infection, sluggish digestion, childbirth (stimulates contractions), chills, flu, infectious diseases Safety: avoid if pregnant. Do not use undiluted on the skin.
Citronella Cymbopogon nardus (Sri Lanka) Properties: antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericide, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, digestive tonic, vermifuge. Historical uses: Insect repellant, colds, flu, minor infections, fatigue, headaches, migraines Safety: may cause dermatitis (skin inflammation) in some individuals. Avoid during pregnancy.
Clary Sage Salvia sclarea (Russia) Properties: antidepressant, nerve tonic, sedative, relaxing, aphrodisiac, antispasmodic, warming, soothing, stimulating, cell regenerating, hormone-like, galactagogic, antiseptic. Historical uses: depression, stress, anxiety, nervous exhaustion, tension, insomnia, frigidity, impotence Safety: avoid during pregnancy. Do not drink alcohol after using Clary Sage as it may cause drowsiness and induce vivid dreams.
Clove Bud Eugenia caryophyllata (Madagascar) An essential oil with strong antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties and a traditional toothache remedy. Properties: antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, antifungal, analgesic, hepatic, digestive stimulant, carminative, nerve tonic, immunostimulant, warming, insect repellant. Historical uses: bruising, muscle aches and pain, arthritis, rheumatism, intestinal parasites, worms, scabies, lice, toothache, mental fatigue Safety: avoid during pregnancy. May cause skin irritation if used undiluted. Raises blood pressure.
Cypress Eugenia caryophyllata (Madagascar) Properties: stimulating, astringent, antiseptic, antispasmodic, deodorant, decongestant, nerve tonic, vasoconstrictor, refreshing, uplifting, relaxing. Cypress has the ability to get stagnant matter moving in the body, thereby supporting the circulatory, urinary, digestive systems as well as the skin. Historical uses: cellulite, fluid retention, thread veins, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, obesity, constipation, edema, excessive sweating Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Dill Anethum gravelolens (India) An annual or biennial herb with a smooth stem, feathery leaves and umbels of yellowish flowers followed by flat, small seeds. Mentioned in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a soothing digestive aid, especially in children.
Elemi Canarium luzonicum (Philippines) Properties: skin tonic, promotes the formation of scar tissue, antiseptic, expectorant, stimulant. Historical uses: aging skin, wrinkles, infected cuts and wounds, inflammations, bronchitis, coughs, nervous exhaustion and stress Safety: non-toxic, generally regarded as safe.
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus (China) In Australia, the aboriginal peoples used Eucalyptus leaves to bind wounds, aid healing, and prevent infection. Properties: antibiotic, bactericide, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, analgesic, decongestant, warming. Valuable for conditions affecting the respiratory system, and as a mild analgesic to relieve muscular and skeletal pain. Historical uses: bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds, flu, laryngitis, sinusitis, catarrh, sore throat, fevers, rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, sciatica, aches and pains Safety: in some people, may irritate the skin. Not for internal use.
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare (Spain) Properties: galactagogic, digestive, hormone-like, carminative, hepatic, detoxifies, emmenagogue, expectorant, nerve tonic, bactericide, antispasmodic Historical uses: indigestion, nausea, constipation, lack of appetite, menstruation difficulties, PMS Safety: avoid during pregnancy, not suitable for pre-pubescent children, contraindicated for epilepsy.
Fir Needle Abies siberica (Russia) Siberian pine needle oil is actually from the Siberian fir, a coniferous tree highly esteemed in Europe because of its medicinal properties and fine fragrance. Properties: pulmonary antiseptic, expectorant, antitussive, deodorant, stimulant. Historical uses: arthritis, muscle aches and pains, rheumatism, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, colds, fever, flu.. Safety: non-toxic and non-irritating except in high concentrations.
Frankincense Boswellia carteri (Somalia) One of the three gifts to the infant Jesus by the Magi. Properties: most beneficial for the respiratory system and the skin, rejuvenating, toning, promotes formation of scar tissue, antiseptic, astringent, analgesic, anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory. Historical uses: skin conditions, such as wrinkles, stretch marks, cuts, wounds, eczema, boils, pimples, scars; respiratory infections, coughs, colds, fevers, laryngitis. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Geranium Pelargonium odorantissimum (Egypt) Properties: assists the reproductive system, lymphatic system, and skin. Antidepressant, emmenagogue, regenerative, balancing, antiseptic, hormone-like, anti-inflammatory, lymph-gland stimulant, promotes formation of scar tissue. Historical uses: poor circulation, lymph gland congestion, cellulite, menopause, menstrual problems, depression, skin care, acne, stretch marks, sunburn, eczema, herpes, scars. Safety: emmenagogue, avoid during pregnancy.
Ginger Root Zingiber officinale (China) Ginger is an important ingredient in Chinese medicine, where the body is unable to deal with moisture (either internal or external). Properties: anticatarrhal, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, digestive stimulant, nerve tonic, anti-emetic (anti-laxative and anti-purgative) and sialogogic (stimulates secretion of saliva). Historical uses: poor circulations, chilblains, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, travel sickness, morning sickness, edema, bronchitis, flu, sore throat, colds, catarrh, toothache. Safety: Do not use Ginger essential oil neat on the skin; dilute with a carrier oil and use sparingly. Although the essential oil is good for morning sickness, it may be too stimulating in pregnancy due to it being an emmenagogue. For this reason, try using Ginger essential oil in a diffusor instead; or drink Ginger tea.
Grapefruit Pink Citrus paradisi (USA pressed peel) Properties: antiviral, bactericide, antiseptic, astringent, diuretic. Historical uses: cellulite, detoxification, fluid retention, edema, oily skin, enlarged pores, depression, nervous exhaustion, migraine. Safety: Unlike other citrus oils, Grapefruit is not phototoxic.
Helichrysum Helichrysum angustifolium (Madagascar). Properties: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitussive, antiseptic, astringent, promotes formation of scar tissue, fungicidal, hepatic, cholagogue, diuretic. Historical uses: bruises, abscesses, acne, allergic conditions, boils, muscle aches and pain, liver and spleen congestion, coughing, nervous exhaustion, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Organic.
Hyssop Hyssophus officinalis (Hungary) Historically used for anxiety, to balance, to clear concentration, to assist with grief and stress. Do not use with high blood pressure and avoid during pregnancy.
Juniper Berries Juniperus communis (Macedonia) Juniper was used in the 19th century in French hospitals as an airborne disinfectant to combat smallpox by burning it along with Rosemary and Thyme. Properties: antiseptic, cleansing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, stimulant, expectorant Historical uses: urinary problems, cystitis, fluid retention, painful or scanty periods, acne, eczema, bronchitis, colds, coughs, arthritis. Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Lavender, Organic (Bulgaria) Lavandula angustifolia Official or true Lavender. A versatile, highly-balancing essential oil useful in skin care, in treatments for stress or nervous conditions, for digestive ailments, and as a support for the respiratory system. Properties: sedative, refreshing, rejuvenating, tonic, bactericide, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, relieves itching. Historical uses: skin disorders, insect bites, earache, colic, nausea, headache, abdominal cramps, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, may be applied neat (directly to the skin without dilution). Organic.
Lemon Citrus limonum (USA) Lemon essential oil has many therapeutic properties; Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. The d-limonene in Lemon has been known to dissolve gallstones. Properties: bactericide, antiseptic, antiviral, diuretic, stimulates white corpuscles, relieves itching, hepatic, digestive tonic, refreshing, stimulating. Historical uses: asthma, ear, nose and throat infections, bronchitis, colds, flu, fever, poor circulation, obesity, boils, herpes, wrinkles. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying Lemon to the skin; could cause skin irritation. Organic.
Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus (Guatemala) Properties: anti-inflammatory, skin toner, astringent, diuretic, bactericide, antiseptic. Historical uses: water retention, headaches, oily hair and skin, acne, stretch marks, insect and pest repellant Safety: skin irritant, do not use undiluted on the skin.
Lime Citrus aurantifolia (Italy, distilled) Properties: antirheumatic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, febrifuge, tonic. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: generally-regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating (the pressed-peel variety of Lime essential oil can irritate the skin if exposed to direct sunlight). Organic. $21.00
Mandarin Citrus reticulata (Italy) Mandarin essential oil is valuable for pregnant women, babies, and children. It is even more effective when used in combination with other citrus oils. Highly recommended for winter-time use. Properties: relaxing, antiseptic, antidepressant, uplifting, detoxifies skin, congested pores, oily skin, and helps alleviate fluid retention. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying to the skin.
Marjoram Origanum marjorana (France) and Thymus mastichina (Spain). A traditional folk remedy that is soothing, warming, and fortifying. Combined with Clary Sage essential oil, it is most useful for women over 40 years of age who have trauma and need sedation. Properties: antispasmodic, sedative, nerve tonic, has a deadening effect on the emotions, fortifying. Historical uses: high blood pressure, anxiety, debility, depression, headache and migraines, insomnia, aging skin, bronchitis, colds. Safety: Avoid during pregnancy. Not suitable for babies and young children. Do not use with low blood pressure. Reduces sexual drive.
Myrtle Flower Myrtus communis (Morocco) A mild essential oil, very suitable for use with children’s coughs and respiratory complaints. Properties: anticatarrhal, antiseptic, astringent, bactericide, expectorant, slightly sedative. Historical uses: acne, hemorrhoids, oily skin, open pores, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughing Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating, non-toxic.
Myrrh Commiphora myrrha (Somalia) Myrrh essential oil is made from a gummy, sticky golden resin that oozes from a tree usually found in North Africa. One of the three gifts given to baby Jesus by the Magi. Properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, parasiticide, bactericide, cell rejuvenator, antifungal, excellent for fungal conditions affecting the skin and imbalances of the respiratory system. Historical uses: phlebitis, candida albicans, thrush, skin inflammation, eczema, stretch marks, coughs, colds, bronchitis, flu, laryngitis Safety: avoid during pregnancy.
Niaouli Organic Melaleuca quinquinervia (Madagascar) Niaouli is often confused with Cajeput because the two plants are closely related. Niaouli may be substituted for Cajeput and is the remedy of choice for bacterial and viral infections affecting the respiratory system. Does not irritate the skin. Properties: anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, expectorant, decongestant, immune stimulant, parasiticide, antiseptic, cell regenerating for damaged skin due to burns, wounds, cuts, and sores. Historical uses: Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, flu, respiratory infections, laryngitis, sinusitis, sore throat, abscesses, boils, cuts, wounds, herpes, insect bites, acne, burns. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. Niaouli is often subject to adulteration. Organic.
Nutmeg Myristica fragrans (Indonesia) Nutmeg is a domestic spice used for centuries as a remedy for digestive and kidney problems. Properties: analgesic, carminative, calmative, deodorant, emmenagogue, parasiticide, sedative, nerve tonic. Historical uses: debility, anxiety, stress, muscle pain, sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, labor pain. Safety: not for use with the aged, pregnant women, babies, or children. High doses can lead to mental and nervous imbalances, overdosing can be fatal.
Orange Citrus sinensis (U.S.A Pressed Peel) In Chinese medicine, the dried peel of the sweet orange is used to treat coughs, colds, anorexia and malignant breast sores. Properties: balancing, calmative, relaxing anti-spasmodic, sedative, antiseptic. Historical uses: sluggish digestion, mouth ulcers, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia, tension, depression. Safety: Do not go out into direct sunlight after applying Orange essential oil on your skin. Organic.
Oregano Origanum vulgare (Bulgaria). Oregano has antiviral and antibacterial properties to assist the immune system, and is aromatherapy’s “heavy artillery” against respiratory infections. Properties: antispasmodic, sedative, expectorant, antiseptic, emmenagogue, antirheumatic, analgesic, warming. Historical uses: all respiratory infections, including viral and bacterial pneumonia, colds, flu, bronchitis; muscle relaxant, cramps, spasms. Safety: Avoid during pregnancy, do not use undiluted, can irritate the skin.
Palmarosa Cymbopogon martinii (Comoros) A scented grass from the same family as lemon grass and citronella. Properties: cell regenerator, cellular stimulant, skin toner, antiseptic, refreshing, insect repellant. Historical uses: cellulite, varicose veins, sluggish circulation, acne, wrinkles, dry skin. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. $21.00
Patchouli Pogostemon cablin (Indonesia) Properties: antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, tissue regeneration, immune stimulant, tonic, relaxing, anti-depressant, sedative, febrifuge. Historical uses: Stress-related headaches and nervous tension, acne, cracked skin, chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and ring worm. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Peppermint Mentha piperita (USA). Peppermint is excellent for digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, it may also be used as a local anesthetic in the treatment of wounds. Properties: digestive tonic, digestive stimulant, invigorating, cooling, calming, assists in calming digestive problems, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative, cholagogue, hepatic, hormone-like, mucolytic (dissolves mucous). Historical uses: first aid for nausea, travel sickness, migraine, palpitations, fainting, colic, colds, flu, fevers, fatigue and digestive-related problems. Safety: not suitable for pregnant women, babies, or young children. A possible antidote to homeopathic remedies. Do not use undiluted on the skin, skin irritant. Keep out of reach of children. Organic.
Petigrain Bigarade Citrus aurantium var. amara (Paraguay) Distilled from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree, the same tree that yields the orange blossoms from which Neroli essential oil is distilled. Like other citrus oils, Petigrain is beneficial in the treatment of skin, nervous and respiratory system imbalances. Properties: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericide, balancing, hepatic, digestive stimulant, uplifting. Historical uses: infections, bacterial bronchitis, pneumonia, fatigue, tension, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, stress, oily skin Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating, not photo-toxic. Organic.
Ravensara Organic Ravensara aromatica (Madagascar) Ravensara is called “the oil that heals.” It has a campherous odor, much like Wild Rosemary or Eucalyptus. Ravensara is a broad-spectrum essential oil with energizing immune stimulating properties. It is particularly beneficial as an essential oil to be inhaled. It has been used effectively against colds and flu, canker and cold sores, and is also an excellent treatment for athlete’s foot. Ravensara can be applied directly to the skin or diluted in massage, compresses, baths, skin preparations, or as an inhalant. Organic. $24.00
Rosemary,wild Rosmarinus officinalis (Tunisia) Wild Rosemary is a smooth muscle relaxant that can help overcome temporary paralysis and speech problems. It is an excellent aid for the nervous, circulatory, and digestive systems and is also useful for hair treatments. Properties: antiseptic, analgesic, diuretic, anti-catarrhal, antispasmodic, bactericide, expectorant, hepatic, mucolytic, invigorating, stimulant. Historical uses: cellulitis, fluid retention, varicose veins, high cholesterol, muscle pains, sluggish liver, headaches, mental fatigue, loss of concentration, migraines, neuralgia, sciatica, hair loss, dandruff, hair and scalp disorders, alopecia. Safety: not suitable for pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, epileptics. Wild Grown.
Rosewood Aniba rosaeodora (Brazil) Properties: mildly analgesic, antidepressant, antimicrobial, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericide, cell-growth stimulant, immune-system stimulant, tissue regenerator, tonic. Historical uses: acne, dermatitis, scars, wounds, wrinkles, general skin care, colds, coughs, fever, infections, frigidity, headaches, nausea, nervous tension, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-irritating. Organic.
Sage Salvia lavandulaefolia (Spain) Regarded as something of a cure-all, Sage is believed to promote longevity and protect against all types of infection. Properties: antiseptic, antiviral, bactericide, anti-catarrhal, balancing, decongestant, increases flow of bile, hormone balancer, soothing, nerve tonic. Historical uses: catarrh, bronchitis, excessive mucus, flu, laryngitis, throat and mouth infections, bacterial and viral infections. Safety: not for epileptics as this oil may cause convulsions. Avoid during pregnancy. Not for women, babies, and teenagers. Use in moderation, do not overdose.
Savory Satureia montana (Croatia) Savory has superior antimicrobial properties, and is used by doctors in France to treat infections. Properties: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, air antiseptic, expectorant, helps wounds heal. Historical uses: bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, wound healing. Safety: irritating to the skin and mucous membranes, avoid during pregnancy.
Spearmint Mentha spicata (North America) - Properties: cooling, energizing, balancing. Historically used as an antiseptic, ant repellent, colic, deodorant, diarrhea, indigestion, morning sickness. May irritate mucous membranes
Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi (Nepal) According to the Bible (John 12:3) Mary used Spikenard to anoint the feet of Jesus before the Last Supper. Properties: anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, bactericide, deodorant, antifungal, laxative, sedative, tonic. Historical uses: allergies, inflammation, rashes, insomnia, migraine, stress and tension. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritating. Organic.
Spruce Picea alba (Canada) This essential oil is distilled from young branches and leaves, and has a pleasant pine needle aroma. Properties: antispasmodic, cortisone-like, hormone-like, bactericide, immune system tonic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, air antiseptic. Historical uses: cold hands and feet, varicose veins, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, athlete’s foot, candida albicans, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu, infections, sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, catarrh. Safety: generally regarded as safe.
Tangerine Citrus reticulata (USA Pressed peel) Tangerine essential oil is valuable for pregnant women, babies, and children. It is even more effective when used in combination with other citrus oils. Highly recommended for winter-time use. Properties: relaxing, antiseptic, antidepressant, uplifting, detoxifies skin, congested pores, oily skin, and helps alleviate fluid retention. Historical uses: cellulite, nosebleeds, obesity, poor circulation, asthma, throat infections, bronchitis, fever. Safety: do not go into direct sunlight after applying to the skin.
Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus (France). Tarragon is commonly used in cooking. The essential oil is extracted from the herb’s leaves through steam distillation. Properties: anthelmintic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, vermifuge. Historical uses: anorexia, dyspepsia, flatulence, hiccoughs, intestinal spasm, nervous indigestion, amenorrhea, PMS. Safety: avoid during pregnancy, use in moderation.
Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia (Australia) Early European settlers in Australia learned about Tea Tree from aboriginal natives. During colonial times, Tea Tree was considered a “bush remedy”for all types of infection. Tea Tree essential oil is widely used today for its bactericidal, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Historical uses: athlete’s foot, acne, blisters, burns, herpes, rashes, warts, infected wounds, respiratory problems, thrush, vaginitis, cystitis, fungal infections, ringworm, candida albicans, relieves AIDS symptoms. Safety: generally regarded as safe. Organic.
Tumeric (Curcuma longa) Genuine, authentic, medicinal turmeric essential oil. Use as needed for aches and pains and general feelings of well being. Has been known to bring balance to the immune system and relieve tight tissues.
Thyme Serpolet Thymus serpyllum (Spain) Due to its antiseptic properties, Thyme is valuable against infections in all body systems, especially the respiratory system. It aids the nervous system in coping with stress, and is also useful in the treatment of hair and scalp disorders. Properties: antiseptic, bactericide, antiviral, immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, warming, balancing, stimulates sluggish circulation. Historical uses: sluggish circulation, sluggish digestion, diabetes, worms, gastro-enteritis, urinary tract infections, cystitis, vaginitis, impotence, nervous exhaustion, stress, bronchitis, colds, flu, throat infections, sinusitis, mouth and gum infections, hair loss, psoriasis on the scalp. Safety: do not use undiluted on the skin. Unsuitable for use by people with high blood pressure, women who are pregnant, babies and children, or people with sensitive skin . Use with care, High dilution ratio needed.
Vetiver Bourbon Vetivera zizanioides (Madagascar) Vetiver is commonly used as an insect repellant; however, it is an effective tonic for the nervous and muscular systems and helps relieve stress and tension. Vetiver is suitable for use by the elderly. Properties: insect repellent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, hepatic, calms digestive disturbances. Historical uses: muscular pain, muscle spasms, aging muscles, diabetes, sluggish liver, colic, anxiety, exhaustion, nervous tension, stress. Safety: generally regarded as safe, non-toxic, non-irritant. Organic.
Ylang Ylang Extrae Cananga odorata genuina (Madagascar) Organic Ylang-ylang or “flower of flowers” has a distinctive fragrance acceptable to both males and females. Distillation is a long, slow process requiring 24 hours. The oil is collected in fractions, with the first fraction (Ylang Ylang Extra) being the sweetest. Ylang Ylang Complete contains equal portions from the first, second, and third distillations and therefore is not quite as sweet-smelling as Ylang Ylang Extra. Properties: antispasmodic, balancing, nervous system tonic, aphrodisiac, sedative, immune stimulant, antidepressant, treatment for anxiety, stress relief. Historical uses: hypertension, palpitations, rapid breathing and heart beat, anxiety, depression, insomnia, tension, anger, post-partum depression, shock, fear. Safety: overuse can cause headaches and nausea. Organic.